
Secure a Higher Pay as a Dental Hygienist: 4 Easy Steps

Secure a Higher Pay as a Dental Hygienist: 4 Easy Steps

As a fellow dental hygienist, I want to share some advice on how to negotiate a well-deserved pay raise. Trust me, I've been through it before and I know it can be nerve-wracking. But with these four steps, you can confidently ask for a win-win increase in your salary.'

First off, let me say that you are not alone in feeling like you deserve more compensation for your hard work and dedication to the dental field. As dental hygienists, we play a crucial role in maintaining our patients' oral health and overall well-being. We spend long hours...

5 Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Career in Dental Hygiene

5 Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Career in Dental Hygiene

I heard you're interested in pursuing a career in dental hygiene. That's great news! As a dental hygienist myself, I can tell you that it's a rewarding and fulfilling profession. But before you jump into it, there are some important things you should know and consider.

First and foremost, have you researched the different dental hygiene programs available? It's important to find a program that fits your needs and goals. Some programs may focus more on clinical skills, while others may have a strong emphasis on research and community outreach. Take the time to look into different schools and...

My Advice for Pursuing a Career in Dentistry

My Advice for Pursuing a Career in Dentistry

I've been a dental hygienist for over 10 years and I love my career. I've seen a lot of interest in the field lately, so I wanted to share some advice for anyone thinking about a career in dentistry. 

First and foremost, make sure you have a passion for helping people. Being a dental hygienist is all about improving oral health and educating patients on proper hygiene. If you genuinely care about others, this is the perfect career for you.

Secondly, do your research and find a reputable dental hygiene program. It's important to receive quality...

My Fresh Breath Oral Hygiene Routine (The Correct Order)

My Fresh Breath Oral Hygiene Routine (The Correct Order)

This is a routine that keeps my breath fresh day and night! All products that I use are linked below! *Some links are affiliate links.   

Product List


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Things Your Dentist May Not Tell You... | JasmineRDH

Things Your Dentist May Not Tell You... | JasmineRDH

Here's something your dentist may not tell you... STOP PAYING FULL PRICE FOR DENTAL CARE! You can get exclusive discounts on dental work with a...